Thursday, March 8, 2007

i forgot to mention...

probably should just edit last post, but hey, i'm tipsy and therefore lazy. I have rarely had motivation to clean quite so much as finding out that two of my kids have headlice. Nothing like six hours of psychosomatic itching and having to take every single child in a class to the nurse to encourage the cleaning and/or sterilization of EVERYTHING in sight.

She checked me and I'm fine, but I'm seriously thinking about going and getting some anti-nit shampoo just in case... just what my class needs right now (and I can just imagine everyone having lice during the PSSA... ooohhh god if they've got ants in their pants now just imagine in their hair? misery in twelve-year-old form). The nurse's comment was, "Better than scabies," and I now have waking nightmares of head and body lice infestations everywhere.

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